I have a voice that matters in a team full of diversity


At Sutherland we strive to find different ways to drive your energy and enthusiasm in what you do. This is what we mean by #DoInterestingThings. Stefan is presenting you today our E-council, a platform where as he puts it “I can voice not only my suggestions but the suggestion of my peers and know that this voice will be heard.”

Sutherland: Hey Stefan! Introduce yourself and tell us what you do at Sutherland?

Stefan Matev: My name is Stefan and my current occupying position in the company is a Team Manager. I have been working at Sutherland for almost 3 years and I speak German and English fluently and I have basic skills in Russian. Our project provides Tier 1 support to customers over the phone and e-mail. Our scope of business is customer service of an online store with various technological devices and software.

S: Tell us what other interesting things you do at Sutherland.

SM: Currently I am a member of the E-council in the company. E-council promotes idea sharing in a friendly environment where you never feel ashamed to share whatever comes to mind. The freedom to present your ideas gives you feeling of belonging and seeing your ideas come to life gives you immense satisfaction. E-council is responsible for keeping our fellow colleagues engaged in various activities from charity events to online tournaments. The purpose of the e-council is to create a friendly working environment for each employee. 

Being a member of our E-council gives me the opportunity to be a voice that matters in a team full of diversity. For me the greatest benefit of this initiative is that we have members from all teams and projects sharing different perspectives and voicing different opinions. This way everyone contributes with different ideas and initiatives and this promotes creativity and positive atmosphere within this team and within the company. Also, for me personally seeing that whatever we discuss and implement has an immediate effect gives me pleasure of what I do.

S: What keeps you working at Sutherland?

SM: Sutherland for me equals stability. The business model of the company has always met my needs as an employee and my personal most important reason why there is a feeling of belonging in the company is the management structure and attitude from superiors. The professional atmosphere and dynamic business environment are excellent preparation for any challenge that may arise and this is shaping the individual and honing his skills and qualities so that we as employees can be competitive and evolving in our modern business environment.

I have a saying “if there is a will there is a way”. Sutherland has always tried to keep all employees no matter the rank involved and engaged in different initiatives based on the possibilities that there are now. It also depends on the time that a person has and want to spend on a certain activity. For me I have always accepted every initiative as an opportunity and personal challenge.

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