Platinum Performer – Cvetan Stoilov


Cvetan Stoilov Sutherland Platinum PerformerSutherland has a plethora of incredible people. However, we have many who are willing to go the Extra Mile. In acknowledgment of their efforts, we honor them as a Platinum Performer. Meet Sutherland’s latest awardee – Cvetan Stoilov.

1. How and when did you come to Sutherland?

I joined the Sutherland team back in November, 2014. The promise of being the Team Manager of a new team and being there right from the start was too much for me to pass by!

2. What gets you up in the morning? No, not your dog or alarm….but what really drives you to get up and give your best each day?

My baby daughter… All joking aside, there is a certain range of freedom and creativity that I’m allowed to bring to the table at Sutherland, which bares enough excitement to get me going early in the (cold) morning!

3. So far in your career at Sutherland, what are your top three most important accomplishments?

  • Seven of the eight Team Managers in the project are internal promotions. I can’t help but feel proud of contributing to the development of those amazing people!
  • The team here is amazing, so we are constantly receiving amazing feedback from Sutherland and from our client! It’s great to be appreciated!
  • Oh, and I got to travel a lot, especially in 2015. I supported the launch of our project in the beautiful Philippines, where I traveled twice, and I participated in a job fair in Sweden, recruiting for the team there, too.

4. Which country that Sutherland operates in would you most like to visit and why?

I would like to visit the US, hands down. As the Sutherland HQ is located there, it’s a place where I would be able to learn directly from our leadership team and get to know the strategic decision makers of the company.

I would also love to visit our San Francisco newly launched labs. I think this is the mecca for innovation (for which I am absolutely passionate about) and our future as a company! A business trip to the US would also benefit me personally. As I’ve studied there I have friends that I call family and I would be absolutely thrilled to see them in person again!

5. What are you looking forward to the most in 2017?

I would like 2017 to be a year filled with excitement. In my case this means a ton of new learning experiences – new and existing client visits, round-tables, training, trips and the same continuous growth that is the norm here!

6. What do you enjoy doing outside of work? 

I love spending time with my (expanding) family and I try to play as much basketball as possible. I participate in two leagues for amateur basketball.

We also have a “competition” going on with the team here related to finding the most amazing Greek beaches every summer. The stakes are bragging rights and stunning vacation photos.