Platinum Performer – Mariana Stoilova


Platinum Performer Mariana StoilovaSutherland Global Services Bulgaria has a plethora of incredible people. However, we have many who are willing to go the Extra Mile. In acknowledgment of their efforts, we honor them as a Platinum Performer. Meet Sutherland’s latest awardee – Mariana Stoilova.

1. How and when did you come to Sutherland Global?

I joined the company in March, 2015. A young lady from the Recruiting team found me on LinkedIn three months earlier.

2. What gets you up in the morning? No, not your dog or alarm….but what really drives you to get up and give your best each day?

I am used to wake up early so I can go to swim or do exercises before I go to the office. Doing sports in the morning gives me a lot of energy for the rest of the day.

3. What makes Sutherland stand out from your previous employer(s)?

The projects are very interesting. I also like my teammates and the way the project is organized.

4. Which country that Sutherland operates in would you most like to visit and why?

I would love to visit Barranquilla in Colombia. I’ve heard a lot from my Colombian colleague Jairo who worked in this office and he inspired me. It’s a different culture and mentality, which I am curious about.

5. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received at work or in life?

I love one quote by Jim Rohn: “If you don’t like how the things are, change it! You are not a tree!” So I am trying to do my best and self-improve in both life and work.

6. What are you looking forward to the most in 2017?

To gain new knowledge and self-improve.