Team Manager University at Sutherland had its first graduates


Team Manager University SutherlandThe Team Manager University (TMU) program at Sutherland is a unique initiative which aims to build skills, capabilities and expand the knowledge of team members currently on individual contributors roles, who have the potential and aspiration for managerial positions within the company. The participants were trained how to deliver coaching, how to be a great mentor, drive change, lead by example and understand the client and business needs.

On September 14th, Sutherland held the Graduation ceremony of the Freshman class who have successfully graduated Team Manager University. It has been a long journey for the selected team members as eligible to attend and now the company is happy to welcome them in the pool of Sutherland Next Generation/Future Managers.

Team Manager University - Sutherland

As a continuation of the TMU, on September 11th Sutherland launched TMU 2.0 for training and development of the fresh team managers at the company. Organizational capability and Training teams had the honor to host the first wave with young team managers for a 6-day workshop, which prepared the participants for the next level in their career path.

The Site Head, Dimitar Todorov Galabov, delivered the training on Leadership in the first day, sharing his leadership experience based on a solid experience in the industry.