Students from the German Language High School participated in the program One working day at Sutherland


One working day Sutherland BurgasThe fourth edition of the program One working day at Sutherland took place on April 5th.  The high school graduates from the German Language School “Goethe” in Burgas spent half a day at the office of Sutherland and saw first-hand how employees manage their daily work responsibilities.

The students had the opportunity to meet various teams of the company, get acquainted with the business of Sutherland and the activities of various departments.

The Sutherland team in Burgas introduced the 11th and 12th grade students to the advantages of working in the business processes transformation industry, presented the organizational structure of the company and the career opportunities at Sutherland. Among the important skills that the students acquired during the event were how to meet customer expectations and how to conduct business communication.

The first three editions of the program One working day at Sutherland took place in March with the support of the leadership team of “Goethe” German Language High School.