Employee Spotlight – Milena Angelova


Employee Spotlight Milena AngelovaThis is the story of Milena. She describes herself as Benetton: colors and contrasts. The word she uses the most is Action plan and often dares herself to do something challenging.  She started her career at Sutherland back in August 2008. When the recruiters reached her, she heard the words “technical + support” and hung up… The recruiters were insistent and convinced her to join the company.

She says that at the very beginning it was so difficult that she was quitting every hour, then once a week, once a month and finally she found her place at Sutherland Bulgaria. As a child, her dream was to be the best and gain the respect of her colleagues. She studied in Perugia and lived in Rome, Italy. The Città Eterna is still her favorite destination – a beautiful place where different eras combine, but she doesn’t ever regret her decision to come back. Bulgaria has proven to offer the right opportunity to live well and build a career.

Milena describes her career as a mix of stability and possibility of constant change. Her dream was to pilot a new program, and the opportunity arrived with the launch of one of our projects. As a Team Manager she had a lot of funny situations. One of her team members was always late and gave the weirdest explanations ever like “I couldn’t tie my shoes this morning”. Sutherland Bulgaria impacts her life in a positive way. Eight years are eight years, she says. Whenever she has a problem with her young boys, she’s trying to apply the same improvement techniques: 5 Why’s, Lean, 6 Sigma, Action plans, follow up etc. She learnt skiing, snowboarding before that, changed her hair colors. If she could have a superpower, she would stop all the wars.